Thursday, May 05, 2011


For the next few years I went through the equivalent of the pre-teen years - I was trying to figure out what my new life was going to look like. It was during this time I lost a lot of my friends. I think that although this was really difficult, it was likely necessary given the activities I was involved with at the time. This isn't to say that my friends or I took part in anything wild - but, the big difference was that there seemed to be a need for those friends to have me continue drinking and secondly to deny that Jesus was God.

The first two years were really difficult for me. I spent a lot of time on the internet until the early hours of the morning (like 4am) and then I would go into work the next day for 9am. I did this pretty much every night. While I was going through this transition I would often question if what happened was real, and each time came back to the conclusion that yes, indeed, God is real and He chose me.

I started to meet Christian friends which was vital to me growing in my relationship with Christ. I am so thankful for those friends and most of them are still close friends to this day, which is nearly 10 years later.

I started attending a church. Initially it was a University campus church, where I would be baptized in November of '99. Later on, I would make my home at a Pentecostal church in Kitchener where I remain today.

Given that I gave my life to Jesus at an older age, I found that I had a lot of "catching up" to do if I wanted to be able to socialize with the church members. I have found since that it is something rare for someone who is already 21 years old to start following Jesus. (I initially realized this at a conference I attended where people were asked to raise their hand when the age of when they accepted Christ was called out. I think I was only one of a handful who raise their hand when the 20's were called out).

I read a lot of the Bible - getting familiar with a lot of the stories that were in there - and what I found was that it really didn't take all that long to "catch up".

The other area of catching up had to do with music. Seeing as I sold or thrown out the majority of my music collection it was time to switch my music preferences. I shamefully downloaded large quantities of music through this "new" service called Napster until I had roughly 40 Gigs worth of Christian music. (It would be later on that I would feel convicted of my wrong doing where in a moments notice hit delete to my beloved music collection and watch all the music disappear).

I was starting to fit in, but, was not ready to date as I was still working through my emotions. This would take a few years to process.

Next up - the circumstances that would lead me to my future wife.


  1. Wow. How many people actually RESPOND to their convictions about Truth and morality?

    Good on ya.

    Liking this.

  2. I've had people laugh at me for purchasing cd's, tv box sets, and even Nintendo WII games because they are all "available" on the net. I don't even know where to obtain these off hand.

    The cost may seem worthwhile now, but it will get expensive later - know what I mean?
