Thursday, May 05, 2011

Instant (and not so instant) Changes

I remember one of my early prayers that I had. "Lord, I'll follow you as long as I don't give up my music". At the time I listened to Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, and many other non-church friendly music. What happened next amazed me. I put in a cd, hit play, and the next thing I know I almost get sick to my stomach! I couldn't believe it. The only thing I had attempted to put before God was the very thing I wanted nothing to do with.

I immediately threw out the most repulsive cd's into the garbage, and then proceeded to go through my entire collection to sell which ones I thought I shouldn't to.

Next. I went to play a computer game I had been involved with. I can't remember the name of the game anymore, but it was about having you control a population of people, whereby you try and have your civilization take over another one through the use of various magic spells. You gained power by having your people worship stone heads that represented various gods.

This too made me feel physically sick so I also threw that game (and others) into the garbage.

While those changes in me were instant, others took longer to achieve. By June of 2000, I had given up the habit of drinking alcohol.

All the while I was still working through my emotions of having broken up with the girl that I loved.

My next entry will be about when I was ready to move on with relationships.

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