Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The church is like... a healthy lawn (part 2)

Further to my previous post, The church is like... a healthy lawn?, I have continued thinking of this analogy - specifically about how the church can be attractive to others.

About a week ago, at the height of the yellow dandelion season, I purposely drove by a house where the lawn was completely covered with this notorious weed. I remember seeing this house in previous years and seem to be drawn to this ugly sight. As usual, the lawn was completely covered by this yellow pest. I noticed something different this year however. Next to this unkempt lawn was a nicely groomed, healthy and green lawn, standing in stark contrast to its neighbour.

This got me thinking - how attractive the church must be when it is healthy and free from weeds.


  1. Quick note on health; Homogeneous lawns of only one species of grass are very un-healthy. To be kept looking that way they generally require the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. (all of which are not healthy)

    A truly healthy lawn, would contain many species growing with grass.

    As for the dandelion - The dandelion plant has a wide range of food uses, and is even a good companion plant for gardening. Its taproot will bring up nutrients for shallower-rooting plants, and add minerals and nitrogen to soil. It is also known to attract pollinating insects and release ethylene gas which helps fruit to ripen.

    I think Jesus would likely agree that we should love the weeds, even if we have distaste for them.

  2. When looking at the Christian church, having those who call themselves a follower of Christ (myself included) and then not loving God with all their mind, heart, soul and strength, and not loving their neighbours as themself is what I am referring to as a weed. In this case I'm saying don't try and pass off a weed such as a dandelion as grass. A weed is a weed, and grass is grass. And yes, we are to love the weeds too - something that I have difficulty doing with my lawn! :)

  3. Nice, it makes sense what you mean with that comparison, with weeds vs grass. :-)

  4. :) I think that Jesus also tried to illustrate this point when He was talking about being either hot or cold, but don't be lukewarm. Either say you're going to follow Him and do it, or don't choose to follow Him and don't, but don't say you're going to follow Him and then not do it. You'd be better off doing one or the other.

    I think I can see where he's coming from based on what I have experienced ny listening to two different radio hosts. Andrew Krystal from the FAN 590 and Jeff Allen from 570 News. With Andrew in particular, he will state his point of view, which often times will differ from his listeners. He doesn't apologize for his opinion, because it is what he believes. At the same time, he still respects the opinions of others, even though he disagrees with them. I think that's how we as Christians should be. Mean what we say, don't make qualms about it, but still love those who have differing ideas than us. They're still people, and they are most importantly still loved by God, just as much as we are. God loves ALL of us - even the people the church typically persecutes, such as the homosexuals, the abortionists, those from other religions, etc. He loves us all, and we need to do the same, even if we have different points of view.
